My name is Sreyneat Chan. I am a junior, majoring in Business Management and minoring in Entrepreneurship. I am a Scholar of Business Management at the Allan P. Kirby Center, and I believe that no matter how busy you can be it is important to always stay healthy. Health and fitness become less of a priority for most busy people, as they tend to focus more on their work and forget to take care of themselves. The following are 6 health and well-being tips to help busy people to stay healthy and keep both their mind and body well.
1. Exercise
The key is to find the right type of exercise for you no matter if it is going to the gym, going for a walk, or doing Goya from your own home. These are important to help keep you healthy, and these physical activities will improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative moods. Focusing on your physical health is beneficial, it will improve self-esteem and cognitive functions as well. Fitness is the key to helping you feel energized, and if you struggle to make time for working out, start by doing small increments of time designated for physical activity.
2. Drink Water
Water is considered an important part of nutrients for our body system. Based on research, it has been said that drinking water will allow people to in some cases experience weight loss, increase their metabolic rate, and eliminate toxins from the body. This is a good tip to follow if you do not have time for your fitness. Getting enough water for your body is vital, and this is a smart choice to make.
3. Refuel
Before you have a meal, you should drink two glasses of water, and this will help to control your appetite. It will also make you feel fuller and avoid overeating as well. This decreases the amount of food you eat and will help you from getting hungry at a faster rate.
4. Avoid Foods that Do Not Give You Energy
Eating the right foods is essential. Most foods that have a high-calorie count are desserts, meats, burgers, pizza, butter, white bread and more. These are the foods that will allow you to lose energy as well as increase the cholesterol and fat levels in the body. A good way to cut down on sugary foods is to replace them with nutrient-rich foods, including fish, vegetables, and items that have more healthy fats like avocados.
5. Take the Stairs
You do not know that every day walking up and down stairs is beneficial for yourself because climbing stairs will improve your cardiovascular health and help maintain healthy bones and joints. This will enhance your health and fitness. Moreover, stair climbing increases leg power and keeps you moving whenever you may be coming to and from the office.
6. Get Enough Sleep
Based on research, an unbalanced sleep schedule can increase stress and consequently impact your appetite. It will also make you restless, leave you tired, and will reduce your productivity. Utilizing a healthy bedtime routine will make you feel happier, calmer, and more focused throughout the day. Make sure you go to bed early and sleep at least 8 hours.